2 guys, a van, and a desire to wander, paddle, and splash
We started visioning this blog while trail-running in the Olympic National Park, surrounded by tree elders and filtered sunlight. It was early July 2024, and I think partly we were getting excited for the summer laid out in front of us, considering the adventures we wanted to have and how we would mark them. We were also doing that thing people do when we’re having a good time and you try to imagine all the ways you can reshape your life to do only or mostly the thing you’re doing. We’re still doing that. Oh well.
Shawn loves reminiscing, so this blog is also that. And is also a love letter between us.
We intend to travel around to beautiful places and to share some of the things that happen along the way with you, whoever you are, and with ourselves and each other so that we can mark and remember. If anybody reading this sees something that helps them see a new angle, think a new thought, or have a new feeling or remember an old one, that would delight us. If anyone reading this feels a call to scamper or paddle or wander around some new or old beautiful place, we would love that too.